Monday, 23 February 2015

How to make mosquito repellent

When Monsoons hit the coasts the mosquitoes knock your doors.The season for yummy blood meal, these tiny insects flying every where, play the music of their tiny wings disturbing sleep, irritation, malaria,dengue what not. To keep these uninvited guests away, we spend lots of bucks on repellents. The whole range of repellents coils, mats, creams, fast cards, sprays spree your space with their own draw backs.

 Coils choke your sleep, repellent creams have localized action, Fast card effect  fades out soon, Liquid  vaporizers dry out with in a week or  two . Your liquidator machine awaits for a new liquid cartridge eagerly on wall,  but your pocket seems to be reluctant to buy another one.This is situation for many of us.This blog addresses the solutions for these problems of common man. The content in this blog is not intended to promote or demote any mosquito repellent, it is purely informational.

 Liquid mosquito repellent preparation

You need a 200 ml Black HIT aerosol and about 500 ml of Kerosene and an empty liquid cartridge.

Black hit coasts about 89/- and 300 ml kerosene coasts approx 30/-. These two ingredients can give you awesome repellent liquid which can fill around 66 cartridges.

Now lets learn how to prepare the magical recipe.Take a recently completed liquid cartridge.

Pull out the carbon rod from empty cartridge using grip of cutting pliers gently and keep it aside.

Open the nozzle of can into cartridge till you get about 3ml of liquid into it.

Add about 40 ml of  house hold kerosene to 3ml of Allethrin liquid from HIT. Now total volume is 43ml which is maximum capacity of typical cartridge.

Re insert the cap with carbon rod on the cartridge, observe for any overflow and clean with a cloth.

Screw up the cartridge in the machine and just see the magic it does on Mosquitoes.
Black Hit contains house hold pesticide called Allethrin mixed in deodorized kerosene and propellent gas. A single 200 ml Hit can can serve around twenty cartridges. Now in market each liquid cartridge sells not less than 50 rupees. Imagine how much you can save through this simple technique.This idea gives a life time savings on mosquito repellents.


Worrying about health?

Well, a typical liquid cartridge contains house hold pesticide called trans Fluthrin. It is 2025 times toxic to insects. Its mode of action in similar to Allethrin a synthetic house hold pesticide in Hit. Both the synthetic pesticides have equal mechanism of action on mosquitoes and you know Black hit is Indian well known mosquito repellent brand. Hence you can trust the top brand. Either of the repellents use deodorized kerosene as solvent so no need to worry about odorized kerosene you are using. Only the difference is the stench of kerosene.

Hence we can conclude that our self made repellent formulation is completely safe as all other branded repellents.

Soon after the cartridge gets exhausted we dispose it in dust bin which actually mean we are throwing out a empty cartridge worth seven rupees. Throwing empty cartridges may also cause pollution and becomes environmental concern.So, by reusing these cartridge bottle we are trying to save environment and nature.In this perspective reusing the cartridge shows your concern toward safeguarding the nature`s balance. A cartridge in dust bin is worth rupees seven in your pocket. So, lets not through it but find some useful way like this to reuse it in better way.
This self repellent preparation project has three benefits. 

It saves environment by reusing  plastic waste.

It is completely safe to use as house hold repellent.

It saves money.

How insect repellents work?

Most repellent chemicals, especially mosquito repellents, work by interfering with the mosquito's homing system. This homing system, located on the antennae, is made up of a number of chemical receptors. Research has proven that these chemical receptors are set off by lactic acid, which naturally evaporates from the skin of warm-blooded animals. The mosquitoes have the ability to follow the lactic acid to its source. However, when a repellent such as DEET is applied to the skin, it also causes it to evaporate. The chemical inhibits the binding of the lactic acid to the mosquito's chemical receptors. This essentially "hides" the protected person from the mosquito. Since the active ingredient must evaporate from the surface to work, the repellent works for a limited period.Natural oils like eucalyptus oil, citronella oil, geranium oil, peppermint oil also found to have mild mosquito repellent properties, but are effective for short periods.
Range of mosquito repellents

Burning one mosquito coil in a closed room amounts to smoking roughly 100 cigarettes and becomes dangerous to lungs on prolonged use. Mosquito mats dry up with in three days.Aerosol sprays have immediate effect on mosquitoes but persists for short time.Mosquito repellent creams have localized effect,areas of skin where cream is not applied becomes vulnerable to mosquito bites. The only repellent which is successful in market is Liquidator. A liquidator has heating coil which vaporizes consistent amount of pesticide from a liquid cartridge for long period. It doesn`t smoke or ash.Hence these type of product got much hipe in the market for it`s outstanding merits.But, sad thing is that it is expensive.

Is there any effective product which is safe and coast effective. I  googled for the answer and spent couple of days researching on mosquito repellents chemicals.I experimented a range of repellents some are natural essential oils like citronella oil, eucalyptus,  synthetic DEET etc. Finally I came out with an Idea,which is cent percent safe and efficient in repelling  mosquitoes.I read lot of research papers on how repellents work and found my new formula fruitful. The branded repellent products are priced high which a common man can not afford.
 Liquid refill cartridges exhausted with in 25 days, it becomes unaffordable to buy a new cartridge so soon.It is estimated every house hold on average spends rupees 100 on mosquito repellents per month.

If your home has three bed room and a living room, you may be in need of four individual mosquito repelling systems and your expenses increases four times. What then people who maintain hostels, dormitories and hotels, mosquito management becomes big problem and may require big share of money.Imagine what is your budget for one year?

My friends if you think that this information have helped you in saving your precious money on expensive mosquito repellents, then do donate us as a token of your appreciation. Your donations will be spent for Child welfare Fund and Charity in India. Remember we are waiting for your generosity.Do, comment and suggest us on this blog below.

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